Second time today I came across the triune roles of king, priest, and prophet. The other incidence was in regards to the three offices Christ fulfills in our lives.
Quite a splendid explication. I will have to get my hands on Florovsky's book.
The concept of "puritanism" reminds me of something my wife and I were talking about over yesterday about "duty." In the book Pollyanna, "duty" is given a rather bad rap; but the twin ideas of "duty" and "pleasure" aren't separate from each other. It should be a joy to do our duty, or as you said, doing our duty should be an opportunity for creativity.
Second time today I came across the triune roles of king, priest, and prophet. The other incidence was in regards to the three offices Christ fulfills in our lives.
I'm interested to see where this series goes!
Yes, Christ brings these three roles together in a mind-warping way. And I believe we are called to do the same.
Quite a splendid explication. I will have to get my hands on Florovsky's book.
The concept of "puritanism" reminds me of something my wife and I were talking about over yesterday about "duty." In the book Pollyanna, "duty" is given a rather bad rap; but the twin ideas of "duty" and "pleasure" aren't separate from each other. It should be a joy to do our duty, or as you said, doing our duty should be an opportunity for creativity.
Yes, the Puritan is offended in his bones by creativity.