At Silver Door we believe that poetry with a capital P can once again become a major cultural force.

This will require hordes of poets to act as servants of the Beautiful for their communities.

The poets Nathan Woods and J.Z Schafer comprise the Silver Door team. We are both deeply indebted to and grateful for the incredible, jeweled sweep, breadth and depth of feeling, imagination and beauty of English language poetry that stretches back centuries, and as the Academy and the general social milieu continue to crumble we desire to see that tradition continue.

We are also Orthodox Christians, and while recognizing the ubiquity of digital technology, understand that when it comes to building a new artistic culture an embodied, incarnational approach is not only preferable, but essential.

Here are a few good posts to get you started:

Should I subscribe?

Subscribe to this newsletter and you’ll get:

  • One original poem per week from the editors, with work from other poets starting in 2024

  • One essay per week exploring poetry, the digital, and other cultural pursuits

  • Interviews with poets, artists, writers and digital savants

  • Opportunities to join in on conversations with other readers

  • Hope, joy, and an increasing and unbounded sense of enthusiasm

Please subscribe, and/or peruse the growing selection of poems, essays and other miscellanea available here at Silver Door.

Sincerely yours,

The Editors

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Subscribe to Silver Door

An Entrance to Poetry through The Digital


Poet & Concierge at Silver Door
My name is Joseph Schafer; I am a poet, occasional essayist, and co-editor of the Symbolic World Magazine's poetry column. It is possible to support me here: I host interviews on Youtube at Golgonooza