You can now submit poems to Silver Door at with the word Submission in the Subject line.
We ask that you submit no more than three poems at a time, with no more than 150 lines per poem. Please attach any poem(s) as a PDF file, with the name you’d like to be published under in the body of the email.
We will pay $25 for accepted poems.
We hope to publish accepted poems every third Thursday, though this may vary depending on the quality of the work received.
We encourage you to submit an attached audio verson of your poem for publication, though this is not required.
You can expect a response from myself or J.Z within a month of your submission.
Along with submissions, we are opening up a monthly paid option for Silver Door at $5 per month or $50 per year ($150 founding member if you’re feeling bold). This allows you to support the editors’ book buying addictions as well as eventually help us significantly increase the amount we can pay poets for their work. On top of that, you’ll gain access to STELLAR PAID ONLY CONTENT!!!
But seriously, most all of our posts will remain free to the public (poems will always remain free). Though J.Z and I have plans to expand Silver Door’s offerings in 2024, including more audio and even video. Some of that will likely get paywalled.
Regardless of whether you submit work or support us financially, we are grateful for your time and attention. We hope to see Silver Door enter more and more into “the real world” in the coming years. This is a small step in that direction.